Saturday, October 15, 2022

Week 3- Emily- Playing with Shadow

 In this picture, there were two main sources of light creating this look: An outdoor flood light from the apartment building behind the camera, and a Blue Light Emergency Call Box to the left of where I was standing. Both sources of light were hitting this tree, but the brighter and warmer flood light was washing away any blue that might have been visible on the trunk of the tree or the wall behind. However, where the shadows fall, we can see the vibrant and saturated blue/violet very clearly. If the tree were our dancer on stage, this might be an interesting way to bring color and vibrance onto the floor of the stage, particularly in studio 1100 with a gray floor. It could present as a more full and energetic setting.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo and I love what you pulled from it. The blue is not only just seen in the shadows but happens to be the color we usually use for shadow :) - nice post


Week 9 - Julian Xiong - Passion

 This is a picture of my plant. I have a big hobby of taking care of plants so I came to love cool lights that has over 1000 lumens. It'...