I filmed this short clip when I observed the candle light in my apartment during daytime. The flame sways softly. The light around it also shifts with its own rhythm. The wax, melted around the candle, provides another surface to reflect light. The color of the jar is dark brown and its surface is frosted. The light is held within the. It is concentrated in this small space and creates a gentle and warm ambiance. I can feel how the light occupied the space and thickened the air. With heat being generated from the candle, the air becomes so juicy.
The “movement” of the flame is so delicate that I wish I could dance in that way. At the center of the jar, the flame looks like a real dancer. In terms of concert performance, the body of the dancer usually receives lights from other sources. What if the body of the dancer becomes the source of light? I had an idea to experiment for my new slate choreography (it is denied because of technical issue...): putting iridescent glitters on dancers' bodies. When they dance in the dark with flowing movement on the ground, they could look like dim lights from afar.
Nice video and sounds like an interesting idea. You should grab a lighting designer and play with the idea in 1100 when classes are not in there :)