Sunday, November 27, 2022

Ari- Week 9- Passion

 While my friend and I were together looking for a match, we found this match connected at the top, it felt so special in the moment and represented our passion for each other that we wanted to share our drinks with the connected matches.  The lighting was mid day with a lot of natural lighting giving the cool tones with the cool tone floor,  The bottles both have warm tones reflecting the natural light into the scenery.  My eye is able to get drawn to the warm tones due to this.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post and example of your love/passion for natural colors :)


Week 9 - Julian Xiong - Passion

 This is a picture of my plant. I have a big hobby of taking care of plants so I came to love cool lights that has over 1000 lumens. It'...