Sunday, November 27, 2022

Week 9- Emily- Christmas Tree Glow


This is a picture of the Christmas tree I have in my living room. At the time I took the picture, it was the only source of light in the apartment and it created this soft and colorful pattern of light on the wall. The reflection of light off the ornaments sends the light through the shadows of pine needles, creating a gobo effect. The shapes on the wall remind me of stars twinkling- evoking a sense of movement. The light also creates a mirror image of the shape of the tree. I enjoy the contrast between the darkness of the tree and the lightness of its projection on the wall. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice detailed post of the complex light a Christmas tree can give off - so much depth - you did not put the prompt in your title or mention it in the post thought? I gave you full credit as all your others have been right.


Week 9 - Julian Xiong - Passion

 This is a picture of my plant. I have a big hobby of taking care of plants so I came to love cool lights that has over 1000 lumens. It'...