Thursday, November 10, 2022

Blog 7: site specific - danny

 On November 12th I visited downtown Disney 

The overall theme I saw was "old school America". It reminded me of movies where we can see small towns in the 1950s and 1960s where you can find everything you need by going along one main street. I saw a restaurant with live music and  Louisiana food and decorations, toy stores, clothing stores, a burger joint and even some Christmas trees (less than a week after halloween) 

I noticed that the stores with the least amount of people had white walls and white bright lights, usually the lights where hanging from above coming down on a straight angle and sometimes there would be some smaller lights focusing on the products. A specific store that suffered from is ironically Wonderground Gallery (it was not wonderful nor grounded at all). I think in this store the main theme is money: the designers most likely wanted to focus on the products and how expensive and unique they are. 

A store that also had some white walls but had much more success in implementing color is the Lego Store: I saw a lot of yellow, creating this illusion of a perpetual sunny day. I noticed the lights were pointing at different objects in different angles and there are some huge windows near the sealing that during the night function as opaque mirrors. 

I think this store is very successful at playing with size: the "toys" (lego statues) are huge and make you feel like a small child. The store was packed. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your work on this and very nice observations. I hope it helps you to see that story telling is all around us and how light and other disciplines affect how we view and engage with it. Nice post!


Week 9 - Julian Xiong - Passion

 This is a picture of my plant. I have a big hobby of taking care of plants so I came to love cool lights that has over 1000 lumens. It'...