Sunday, November 13, 2022

Week 7 - Maggie - Irvine Spectrum


    I visited Irvine Spectrum over the weekend, and it felt very familiar, like a shopping complex in China, but with more lights and palm trees. The space feels very festive, with all the lights shining. I especially like the pink and red lights here on this big ferris wheel, definitely a highlight. I guess the designers' goals are to make this place cozy, relaxed and festive for the upcoming holiday seasons, and by having the decorative lights on the palm trees, the Christmas tree, and other installations, they have achieved their goals.

    The picture on the left is the Cheese Factory, a restaurant famous for their cheese cakes. The overall theme of the store is to create a fairy-tale-like, old but classic small castle kind of environment. The golden light against the red walls and the swirly lights on the ceiling really made it look like a restaurant in a fantasy movie. I think it's very successful. 
    The picture on the right is a VR store called Odyssey. It really doesn't look like a high-tech, fun, futuristic entertaining center. It's very bright and white, and everything is in plain sight, so it doesn't leave me with any mysteriousness which I personally expect from a VR center? The colors of the toy-seats from the window are pink and green, and it doesn't go quite well with the overall blue and white colors, and they look a little bit childish below a futuristic shop sign. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your work on this! A UCI alumnus from many years back lights all the cheesecake factories, so she would be pleased that you picked it :). Nice observations of all locations and I am glad you are seeing the storytelling or attempt at that in the stores :)


Week 9 - Julian Xiong - Passion

 This is a picture of my plant. I have a big hobby of taking care of plants so I came to love cool lights that has over 1000 lumens. It'...